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How to boost your LinkedIn profile: 10 essential tips for job seekers

By Jennifer Leeman, Recruitment Consultant

In today’s digital world, your LinkedIn profile is far more than just somewhere to store your job history. It’s a powerful tool to showcase your personal brand and attract golden job opportunities.

Whether you’ve found the perfect job opening or are actively searching for a new role, optimising and updating your LinkedIn profile is essential.

To provide potential employers with the best possible first impression of you, there are a number of key steps you can take to ensure your profile stands out – and position you as the ideal candidate.

1. Use a recent and professional headshot

Using a professional headshot is a MUST – because it will increase the likelihood your profile will be viewed by 14 times compared to those without one. Ensure your photo is clear, up to date and presents you in a professional manner.

2. Create an engaging headline that is NOT your job title

Most people make the mistake of using their job title as their headline, but it could (and should) be so much more. Use it to highlight your expertise and skills that you can bring to the table.

Calling yourself a Marketing Manager is pretty vague. Add a bit more detail - Marketing Manager | Specialising in Digital Strategy & Brand Growth – and you can really sell your skills, strengths and focus areas.

3. Showcase skills and accomplishments with quantifiable achievements

Recruiters love to see tangible results. If you increased sales by 30% or led a successful project to reduce costs by 20% then it won’t do any harm to say so. According to LinkedIn, members with five or more skills listed on their profiles receive up to 17 times more profile views. So, do not forget to highlight your achievements.

4. Include key academic information and other qualifications

Profiles with completed education sections receive up to 10 times more profile views than those without. But your education section should go beyond just listing your qualifications - include any relevant certifications, courses or professional development you’ve undertaken for added credibility.

5. Write a compelling personal summary

Instead of just rehashing your CV, focus on writing about what drives you and your professional passions. Write in the first person to make it more personal and engaging. Make it succinct and compelling. And always be reflective of your personal brand.

6. Develop your own style

Whether it’s regularly sharing industry insights, writing articles or simply engaging with posts from other people, develop your own signature style that showcases your expertise and personality to be more memorable.

7. Consistently update your profile

An outdated profile is a missed opportunity. Ensure your profile reflects your latest accomplishments with regular updates so your network knows you are active and engaged.

8. Ask people for recommendations

Recommendations are a powerful tool to validate your skills and experience. According to LinkedIn, profiles with recommendations are three times more likely to get contacted by recruiters. Reach out to colleagues, supervisors or clients who can testify about your work ethic, skills and experience.

9. Use keywords from job applications

Keywords are crucial for making your profile searchable. Recruiters often use specific keywords when looking for candidates, so it’s important to include terms you’ve seen in job postings related to your field. For instance, if you’re in digital marketing, using terms like SEO, content strategy and PPC could improve your visibility and align your profile with the type of role you want to target.

10. Check for spelling mistakes

Sounds simple, but nothing detracts more from a professional profile more than basic spelling and grammatical errors. A study by Adweek found that 59 per cent of recruiters would reject a candidate because of poor grammar. Before making your profile public, proof read it carefully or use a tool like Grammarly to correct any errors. An error-free profile is reflective of your attention to detail and professionalism.

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